
The Mystery Flesh Pit National Park RPG

Created by Christopher Robin Negelein/Ganza Gaming

The official tabletop RPG of the MFPNP website.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We have such sights to show you!
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 08:30:32 PM

Progress continues on the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park rpg’s layout! It looks great, but don’t take my word for it. Check out the sample spreads below.

We will have more previews for you soon. Have a great week! 

We Are So Close
4 months ago – Fri, May 31, 2024 at 07:53:04 PM

Some RL challenges have put us behind just as the finish line for the Cypher PDF was just in reach. While this means we won’t meet our deadline for this month, we are close. We hope to still get the PDF out by the end of June at the latest.

So, from here on out we will be updating much more frequently, showcasing more art, and showing off layout spreads so you can see the progress as we finally get over the finish line.

As a start we present a new rendition of the classic PBSO miner! Personally, I love seeing the patch on his shoulder. It is that little detail which takes it to the next level. 

Layout sneak peek!
4 months ago – Mon, May 13, 2024 at 07:15:28 PM

Layout sneak peek!

This update is short and sweet as we show off the approved layout for the Lore section of the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park rpg.

Graphic genius Rich Lescouflair has been hitting it out of the park and MFP creator, Trevor Roberts, has given the layout a big three thumbs up!

 So enjoy and have a great week!

If this your first time checking out the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park rpg, which uses both the Cypher system and 5e, head over to our Backerkit pre-order store. 

There you will find PDFs and discounted Print on Demand links for both game systems. Full disclosure, we are still in the Cypher phase of the project. 5e will be next!

Now in layout and show casing new art!
5 months ago – Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 08:43:42 PM

April flew by! 

Despite some real life challenges, the Cypher rule set for the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park RPG is in layout with Rich Lescouflair, a graphic genius who has worked with WotC, Renegade, and many other rpg companies.  

If there are no hiccups, we’ll have the pdfs out to fans sometime during May. Then we will have a two to three week period to catch any final typos before sending the print files to DriveThruRPG to Print on Demand books and shipping. 

So that leaves question of what’s coming up next? On the upcoming docket are these projects:

  • Shepherd DriveThruRPG as they print and ship.
  • Curate the bonus content PDF.
  • Finish the expanded adventure PDF.
  • Finalize design on the 5e rule set.

We also need to reach out and arrange the two GMing events with our top-tier supporters after the Cypher PDF drops.

So cross your fingers as we seem to still be on schedule! To celebrate, we’ve got another new piece of Trevor’s art to enjoy.

Editing away and having a (gastric) whale of a time
6 months ago – Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 07:49:56 PM

This month our editor, Kij Johnson, has dove deep into our manuscript as a pair of fresh eyes and provided great advice on reorganizing some of the content. She is also fully enjoying the project and is now a full-on Cypher and MFP fan! 

We are still crossing our fingers for good luck even though it seems we are still on track for a May release of the Cypher System PDFs and sending the Cypher System print files to DriveThruRPG.  At the moment our 5e designer, Rich Lescouflair, is working on the early designs for that version of the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park RPG. 

Sadly, there’s not much of anything else going on but to make it up to you, please enjoy this gastric whale.

We also want to thank Monte Cook Games again for inviting us on this journey and letting us use the Cypher System Open License.