
The Mystery Flesh Pit National Park RPG

Created by Christopher Robin Negelein/Ganza Gaming

The official tabletop RPG of the MFPNP website.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First Patch Design and Backerkit Pre-Order Store Open!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jun 24, 2023 at 01:57:38 PM

I wants!

This is Trevor’s primary design for one of the two badges that will go out later this year. It is just stunning and I am so excited. I’m going to find room on my messenger bag for this one!

We will be doing our Backerkit smoke test soon. This is a small beta test of the survey to make sure everything runs smoothly.  If you need to change your address or your pledge level, the backerkit survey will give you the opportunity to do so.

In the meantime, we have opened a Backerkit Preorder Store for PDFs (Cypher and 5e) and the discount codes for Print on Demand books. Unlike the Kickstarter pledges where we have collected the shipping information and have a book delivered to you, the discount code lets you pay for an at cost book and you manage shipping directly through DriveThruRPG.

This is more of an option for those who missed out on the initial kickstarter. While KS backers get their items first, preorder customers will get their coupon codes before the game goes live on DTRPG. 

Instructions on how to redeem your code on DriveThruRPG can be found here.

Did you give us your True Names yet?
about 1 year ago – Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 12:54:59 PM

If not check your spam!

If you are a Park Employee pledge or higher and have not yet seen our Kickstarter survey yet, please check your Junk or Spam Folder. This current survey is to collect name/handle you wish us to use in our Thanks To Our Supporters section of the book. 

Right now,  we are still missing about 200 names for the book.

The next survey will come from Backerkit and will collect addresses (if you need to correct your address) and emails for the eventually delivery of patches and books.

Next Steps

Our next step is designing patches as we also polish up the Early Access PDF.  As a bit of personal awesomeness is that Trevor and I are already having art discussion about the prototypes I have been playtesting for months. To see them finally represented by final art pieces will be surreal. 

A quick personal side note: The redux root canal was a failure so I'm walking around with a dull ache were a molar was. 

We all did it!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 01, 2023 at 05:34:54 AM

Many thanks to our supporters! You carried us from just a meager $15,000 request to just over $69.000. Trevor and I are blown away!

For now, we are taking a short break as we finalize the Backerkit and I deal with a redux root canal (I never knew dentist think of root canals as transplants and sometimes they don't take.) So yeah, my own personal body horror event in this Mystery Flesh Pit adventure.

Smoke Test and Early Access

After we set up Backerkit, some of you will be part of the smoke test. A smoke test is beta run of the survey to make sure everything is in order. So if you are part of the smoke test, please be free with the feedback. 

A  couple of months later, the Early Access will go live and be landing inboxes as a manuscript PDF. 

For now, let the MFP mascot, Caver Coop, take you on a tour of

Again, thank you everyone! 

5e Achieved and New Art!
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 30, 2023 at 09:23:20 PM

We've unlocked the $60K and now on our way to $62,000, which means our 5e ruleset stretch goal is unlocked! We will be using the Esper Genesis 5e engine, which already possesses cosmic horror entities and even has a few horror adventures. Check it out! 

To celebrate we have new artwork by Trevor, the mastermind and artist behind the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park. First is a fresh take on the macrobacteria we all know and love. ... as long as we don't get too close. 

So pink

The next is a new critter, the crop louse. A creature we all will learn more about in the near future. 

Keep your fingers to yourself

We nearing the last 24 hours soon. Please spread the word however you like, like a meme, or a virus, or mind-shattering engram.  Well, maybe not the last one 

Thank you again for your support.  

Going to a con this weekend?
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 26, 2023 at 07:12:50 PM

If you are walking around in your cool cosplay boots and get the urge to share the awesomeness about the Mystery Flesh Pit KS, we have something for you.  

Instead of trying to type out a URL , you can pull this QR code on your phone. Your friends can read it on their phone and be taken straight to the kickstarter.  Simply save the image to your photo folder. 

The world is a stage

Want to learn more about Cypher and the Mystery Flesh Pit? The Cypher Unlimited crew have a live play on their YouTube Channel. Things start slow as the basics of Cypher are explained but it picks up speed as things get ickier. It is a horror game, so be warned. 

There never was a stage

One of the more unique spins on the Cypher Type in our RPG is the PIB, or Person In Black. Based on the Speaker Type, this will be a PC that shines in Private Subcontractor campaigns.  Always emanating an unsettling air, the PIB asks the probing questions and then veils out the answers. Armed with the mental MASHER, a PIB can make evidence — and memories — vanish. 

Do not forget ...

... the last days are upon us! Don't be shy, spread the word!