
The Mystery Flesh Pit National Park RPG

Created by Christopher Robin Negelein/Ganza Gaming

The official tabletop RPG of the MFPNP website.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wave 1 Patches and Early Access Update
12 months ago – Sun, Oct 01, 2023 at 09:48:27 AM

Wave 1 has been swept away

Good news everyone! Trevor has shipped out the Wave 1 patches. In the next couple of weeks, if you don’t receive a Wave 1 patch that is part of your pledge, please reach out and let us know!

Early Access Update

To recap, this is a manuscript style PDF with no layout. This draft focuses on the mechanics and is currently lore light, though it does contain the official* Mystery Flesh Pit timeline. We are now wrapping up a one-shot Park Employee style briefing so GMs have something to bring to the table.

We hope you will enjoy when we release it sometime in late October.

Until next time, always sign in triplicate and wear your hard hat!

*The timeline is helpful but vague on purpose to give Trevor – and GMs – narrative space to create new levels of cosmic horror and satire.

It is a slow month
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 05:13:58 PM

This update is light on tidings but brings some cool news. Trevor now has both patches in, so we will be mailing them out soon, which will make the patches our first deliverable!

To celebrate, here is the Wave 2 patch in all of its real-life glory!

On the gaming front, we have two quick updates.


We are shooting for the Early Access document to be available by October. Just in time for GMs who are attending Gamehole Con in Madison, Wis. (Oct. 19th -22nd) to use for their own games. I’ll be attending Gamehole and hanging out with gracious MCG gang. We will also be running a few MFP games and may some of the legendary MFP swag that got people super excited for the game last year.


Rich Lescouflair has started designing the game. It is still very early stages but we are already having conversations about redesigning 5e and finding the game's a sweet spot for playing in the MFP universe.

That’s all we have for now but we are aiming to post another update in two weeks!

Patches and Gen Con!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 12:35:40 PM

First, we are so excited to show off a preview of Trevor’s design for the Wave 1 patch. I’m glad we waited until we had a sample to show you as the Texas flag really pops now on the orange background in a way you did not see on the mock up.

Say hi at Gen Con!

And if you are headed to Gen Con 2023 next week, you can stop by the Studio 2 area (Booth numbers 1929 to 2029 and inside that green square.) and say hi to us at the Alligator Alley Entertainment table. 

While my “day” job there will be to demo AAE's 5e sci-fi game, Esper Genesis, I’ll be happy to answer your questions about the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park ttrpg. (You can also meet Rich Lescouflair, the upcoming designer for the 5e version of MFPNP, which will be powered by a variant of the Esper Genesis engine.)

MFP Canon

One of the most frequent questions we get is, “How does the game fit into the canon of the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park?”

Trevor’s guidance on the subject has been short and simple, “It should be fun first, match the MFP second.” To me that is a big responsibility, which we do not take lightly. So, we still check in with Trevor and make him aware of any changes we made just in case. 

Fortunately, we all share a similar wavelength and some of our prototype descriptions have even  inspired Trevor to produce original art for the game! It is a great partnership that we deeply appreciate. 

Backerkit Survey here and your 5e questions answered!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Jul 09, 2023 at 07:39:05 PM

We've sent out our Backerkit survey, this is a chance for you to change your address, your name in the book if you backed at those levels, and even your pledge if you need too.

5e Recap and FAQ! 

As a recap, the PDF reward includes both the Cypher and 5e PDFs. The Cypher PDF will be delivered first and then the 5e PDF. 

The 5e Discount Print On Demand codes are digital Stretch goal, so the Docent, Record Keeper, and pledges above Record Keeper will get the discount POD code as part of their pledge. 

That leaves the Supervisor pledge as the odd duck since it was designed to only deliver a Standard Hardback Cypher book to a shipping address.  If you would rather have a 5e POD discount code, and not a physical Cypher book, then please feel free to switch to the Docent level using your Backerkit survey! We apologize for the extra step and thank you for your patience. 

If you have friends who want a copy of either version of the game, we now have a pre-order store where they can buy PDFs or POD discount codes of either Cypher or 5e. 

From this point on, our updates will focus on keeping you guys up to date on our progress. Currently we are working on patch designs and some last minute design changes before the Early Access PDF goes out! 

Until then, just remember what our Mystery Flesh Pit National Park Mascot always says!

"Wherever you go, never stop moving and always look up!  It's the best way to avoid any predators dropping from the ceiling!"

Happy Fourth and the iPad Judges Us
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 04:58:30 PM

For those in the USA, enjoy the July Fourth with all the grilled food and summer swimming you can stand.

Just remember if you are in Gumption, Texas, this year, do not forget to obey the sound ordinance curfew. All fireworks shot off within county limits after 11:11 pm will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The Smoke Test

We wanted you to know the smoke test (a beta version of the Backerkit survey) has gone out and we are going over the results now. We will send out Backerkit surveys soon.

Judgy iPads

Thanks to the cloud, no device is safe from me when it comes to game writing. 

My iPad, however, seems to be making tentacle-themed comments at me while I use it to write a few more monsters into the MFPNP: RPG.

Cheeky fellow, that iPad.